2-7 佛科擺


Foucault Pendulum Demonstrator

Recreates Foucault's famous experiment--on a table top!

In his well-known experiment in Cologne cathedral, Foucault demonstrated that the plane of a pendulum swing retains a fixed orientation, even when its support frame is rotating. Now students can witness Foucault's findings for measuring the rotation of the Earth. The device consist of a large 3.8cm ball suspended from a hook fastened in the top of a bell-shaped metal frame, 40cm high. The bottom center of the frame has a metal spindle for attaching the device to the chuck of a rotator, such as our Motor-Driven Rotator, available below. Includes complete operating instructions.



      佛科 擺是一個很有名的實驗,當佛科擺外面的金屬框即使轉動時



